Our Weight Loss Program

Weight Gain and Health Issues

Weight management is an ongoing issue for the health profession worldwide. Today’s fast-paced lifestyle needs plenty of discipline in order to keep digestive patterns functioning properly. Fast foods, eating on the run, eating too quickly, missing meals, poor nutritive factors from foods combined with processed foods and chemicals, it is little wonder that our digestive processes are at risk.

The staggering face is that up to 67.0% (2018, ABS) of Australians are overweight and this figure is growing yearly. Being overweight not only brings health risks, but it can make everyday activities harder to do. Balanced weight and health can be achieved through some simple lifestyle changes including: proper diet, exercising and medication. The main health risks in regard to being overweight are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Increased blood cholesterol
  • Some types of cancers
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Aging Process

Weight gain can also affect our daily activities. For example: less energy at work and tire easily with only mild exercise and/or by playing with your children.

The good news is that regular activity combined with fresh foods can reduce and bring weight back to normal levels. Recent research has demonstrated that the quality of food consumed is the key to effective weight control, not regular dieting then slipping back to the old habits.

Self Care and Healthy Eating

Today’s society is focused upon quick fix comfort foods or emotional foods; in which these foods excite and stimulate the same mechanisms in the brain that pleasure producing drugs manipulate giving a short term comforting high. These comfort foods are like opiates, cigarettes or alcohol. When this is routinely abused by you, you leave yourself with a residue of depression and guilt leading to more stress and anxiety, creating a cycle. When this cycle is prolonged it creates weight sustaining physiological changes to the organs of the body, hence the health issues and risks associated with becoming overweight.

It is actually healthy for the body to experience physical hunger before eating as opposed to experiencing emotional hunger. By turning negative emotional responses into positive emotional responses, this helps to resolve and break this vicious cycle, ending the need to spoon unnatural fattening into the system.

How Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can Help

Weight management is really not a short term dieting issue; rather, it is a long term solution in reaching health goals. Once the goals are met, then the long term results are gained. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have proven to be very effective in managing and balancing the physiological and biochemical changes that take place with weight gain. The main functions of these treatments are to balance the functions of the Stomach, Spleen and Liver, as these are the main organs involved with metabolism and digestion. When the physiological and biochemical changes are balanced with these digestive organs, then long term health benefits are achieved.

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